Last Updated: Mar 21, 2024 Value Broking 1 Mins 1.7K
activate angel one mtf or pay later

List of Steps to Activate Angel One MTF or Pay Later

1Login Angel One App
2Choose your Preferred Stock
3Select Buy
4Choose the Product Type as Pay Later (MTF)
5Click on Confirm
6Pledge your MTF Stocks by 9 PM on Day of Purchase

How to Activate Angel One MTF or Pay Later

Follow the below steps to activate Angel One MTF or pay later:

Step 1: Log in to the Angel One App

angel one mtf login

Step 2: Choose your Preferred Stock

angel one mtf select stock

Step 3: Select “Buy”

angel one mtf buy quantity

Step 4: Choose the Product Type as Pay Later (MTF), enter the quantity, and select “Buy”

angel one mtf margin market

Step 5: Click on Confirm

angel one mtf click confirm

Step 6: On the day of purchase, pledge your MTF Stocks by 9 PM