What is the Policy Regarding Client Passwords at Zerodha?

Last Updated: Mar 20, 2024 Value Broking 1 Mins 2.5K

You will receive an email from noreply-accounts@mailer.zerodha.net as soon as you open a Zerodha account. There’s a link in this email to reset your password. To use the Kite App and Kite Online, as well as other online trading platforms offered by Zerodha, you must first enter this password and your user ID. Additionally, Kite offers a user manual at kite.trade/docs/kite and a video course at kite.learnapp.com/courses. You can also access the back-office, or Console, for various reports by using your user ID and password. 
Zerodha protects and encrypts your credentials. They are not available to them and if someone uses your account without any authorization, resetting your password right away is advised. You should also let Zerodha know about the unauthorized use by creating a ticket. Provide them with all the information, including the date, the purpose for which it was utilized, and any transactions that were carried out without your consent.