What is the Minimum Balance Required to Keep the Zerodha Account Active?

Last Updated: Mar 20, 2024 Value Broking 1 Mins 2.7K

To keep an active account on Zerodha, there is no minimum balance, unlike with typical bank accounts. Rather, the account stays alive as long as there is intermittent usage. But, it’s important to remember that if there is no activity for a continuous 12-month period, the account may be considered dormant or inactive.

This lack of a minimum balance requirement offers flexibility to Zerodha account holders, allowing them to focus on their trading strategies without the burden of maintaining a specific balance. Whether users are actively trading or temporarily taking a break, they can do so without worrying about meeting balance thresholds.

The absence of a minimum balance requirement aligns with Zerodha’s commitment to providing accessible and user-friendly trading services. By eliminating this barrier, Zerodha promotes inclusivity and enables individuals from various financial backgrounds to participate in the stock market.

Generally, users should maintain regular engagement to keep their accounts from being flagged as inactive even if Zerodha does not have a minimum balance requirement. Users may effortlessly retain the active status of their Zerodha accounts by remaining active on the platform and making transactions within the allotted 12-month period.