Last Updated: Jan 25, 2024 Value Broking 10 Mins 2.3K

According to media reports, the average middle-class individual in India saves roughly Rs 10,000 every month. However, many experts advise saving 30% of one’s income in order to live in an unstable society like ours. For instance, a person who makes Rs 1 lakh per month should save at least Rs 30,000 per month.

Self-control and discipline are the cornerstones of a successful investing plan. I know it might be challenging to reduce spending when everyone around you is living over their means. A young person with good judgment may make a mistake due to the introduction of strong peer pressure. The following details can enable you to cut costs.

The following tips are advised if you frequently question how to save money from salary because they are crucial in everyone’s daily lives. After these required saves, whatever is left over can be used to make purchases. Young professionals and those just starting their professions should bear the following in mind:

Tips to Save Money From Salary

Sr.No.Tips to Save Money From Salary
1Make a Budget
2Do not Buy Expensive Items
3Make Timely EMI Payments to Avoid Late Payment Fees
4Save Money Automatically
5Initiate Automatic Savings
6Create an Emergency Fund
7Spend Money on the Future
8Don’t make Impulsive Purchases
9Find Ways to Generate Additional Income
10Stay Motivated
11Discuss Your Bills
12Use Cash
13Make Use of discounts and coupons
14Use Credit Cards Responsibly
15Create a Separate Savings Account
16Obtain used Goods
17Plan your Meals
18Shop in Bulk 
19Rent Rather Than Buy
20Be Innovative
21Maintain Order
22Consult a Professional

1. Make a Budget

Setting a budget is the first step towards saving money from your paycheck. Track your spending and income to calculate how much you can save each month. You can create a list of your costs and income on paper, use spreadsheets for budgeting applications, or both to manage your money.

List your fixed costs, such as rent, utilities, and insurance, to begin creating a budget. Next, make a list of your variable costs, including food, entertainment, and transportation. Finally, calculate how much money you have left over each month for savings by deducting your costs from your income.

2. Do Not Buy Expensive Items

Consumers frequently seek brand-new items that attract their eye. Even if they don’t need it, they could still desire it, and that comes with a price. If you want to buy a car, for instance, do your homework and choose one that fits your needs and budget. 

However, customers frequently choose to spend more money on an automobile simply because it is desirable and attractive. Such purchases are expensive, particularly if one were to lose their current source of income later. You should exercise caution and pick a less expensive choice if you are unable to pay for your items in full advance. 

3. Make Timely EMI Payments to Avoid Late Payment Fees

It’s possible that you’re paying a house loan EMI or an installment on a credit card bill. Ensuring the payment is finished on time is essential to avoid additional costs and penalties. Verify that you have enough money in your bank account. There could be instances when you are struggling financially for various reasons. 

Make careful use of your emergency savings in this situation. Make sure to let your loan servicer know if you won’t be able to pay for a while so they might consider providing you with temporary relief. Communication with your bank and loan service provider is always vital to pay off your EMI and get out of debt as soon as possible. 

4. Save Money Automatically

Automated savings are among the simplest methods to save money from your paycheck. Setting up a monthly direct deposit into a savings or investment account is required for this. You may make sure that a percentage of your paycheck gets into savings without having to think about it by automating your savings.

5. Initiate Automatic Savings 

The ideal approach is to use technology to automate your savings and create a habit. For instance, you can begin investing by using a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) to deposit as low as INR 500 each month in a mutual fund. Your bank account will be debited for the amount each month. Opening a recurring deposit, which gives a larger interest rate than your savings bank account, is an additional choice. 

You may begin automating all of your savings gradually. Make sure the money is taken out a few days after the salary has been credited. As an alternative, think about making one-time lump sum investments in securities like fixed deposits, bonds, mutual funds, and stocks. 

6. Create an Emergency Fund

A savings account designated expressly for unforeseen costs, such as auto repairs or hospital bills, is known as an emergency fund. Having an emergency fund in place is crucial to preventing debt when unforeseen needs happen. Beginning with a little monthly contribution, gradually increase it over time until you have a cozy cushion.

7. Spend Money on the Future

It’s critical to invest in your future in addition to conserving money. This can involve making stock, bond, or real estate investments. You may accumulate money and improve your overall financial stability by making investments in your future.

8. Don’t make Impulsive Purchases

Your money might be swiftly depleted, and impulsive purchases can upset your budget. Make a list of the things you need before shopping and stick to it to prevent impulsive purchases. If you want to ensure you’re buying something you need, you may also wait 24 hours before doing so. 

9. Find Ways to Generate Additional Income

If you’re having trouble saving money from your paycheck, think about obtaining additional sources of income. Selling stuff you no longer need, taking up a second job, working freelance, or renting out a spare room in your house are all examples of how to achieve this. You may raise your entire savings by raising your income.

10. Stay Motivated

It might be difficult to save money from your paycheck, especially with a limited budget. But it’s critical to maintain motivation and keep your objectives in mind. Setting specific savings objectives, such as saving for a down payment on a home or a trip, is one approach to keeping motivated. You can stay focused and motivated to save money each month by having a clear objective in mind.

Monitoring your advancement is another method to stay motivated. Record your monthly savings and recognize your accomplishments when you reach them. This may help you maintain your drive and attention to long-term financial objectives.

11. Discuss Your Bills

To save money each month, you might be able to negotiate your costs, such as your cable or internet payment. Ask whether special offers or discounts are available by calling your service provider. If you want to ensure you’re receiving the greatest bargain, you may also browse and compare costs.

12. Use Cash

Cash can help you stick to your spending plan and prevent overspending. Credit cards shouldn’t be used for this. Take out only the amount of money you will need for the coming week or month’s costs.

13. Make Use of Discounts and Coupons

Save money on your shopping by using coupons and discounts. To find discounts, look for coupons in the newspaper or online, and join loyalty programs.

14. Use Credit Cards Responsibly

When using a credit card, be responsible for it. To prevent paying interest, pay off your debt in full each month and only use it for costs you can comfortably pay back.

15. Create a Separate Savings Account

Another excellent suggestion for saving money from each paycheck is to open a new savings account. Simply move the saved money to another savings account, where you can keep it safe until needed. Additionally, you may use the funds in your savings account to save for various things, like a new car, a down payment on a house, a child’s education, etc. Additionally, interest is payable on funds deposited in the specific account.

16. Obtain Used Goods

You may reduce the cost of your purchases by purchasing old goods. Shop at garage sales, thrift stores, and online markets like Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. 

17. Plan Your Meals

You can cut down on food waste and save money on groceries by meal planning. Make a grocery list, and when you plan your meals for the week, stick to it. To save time and money, you may also prepare meals in advance.

18. Shop in Bulk 

You may save money on food and home goods by purchasing them in bulk. Shop online or at warehouse shops for discounts on bulk purchases.

19. Rent Rather Than Buy

Consider renting any tools or equipment you may only need briefly. As opposed to purchasing the item directly, doing this can save you money.

20. Be Innovative

Be innovative with your financial planning. Find solutions to boost your income or decrease costs that suit your needs and way of life.

21. Maintain Order

You can remain on top of your money and prevent late fines and missing payments by maintaining organization. Organize all of your financial paperwork in one location and use a calendar or app to keep track of your invoices and due dates.

22. Consult a Professional

Consider seeing a financial counselor or planner for expert help if you’re finding it difficult to conserve money from your paycheck or have complicated financial requirements. They can assist you in coming up with a unique plan for investing and saving that fits your needs and way of life.

Why is it Important to Save Money from Your Salary?

Saving money from your salary is crucial for various reasons, contributing to both short-term financial security and long-term financial well-being. The following reasons justify the importance of saving money from salary.

Emergency Preparedness

  • Establishing an emergency fund from your salary ensures readiness to tackle unforeseen expenses like medical emergencies or sudden job loss.
  • Reduces reliance on high-interest loans, preventing financial stress during unexpected situations.

Long-Term Goal Achievement

  • Saving money enables the pursuit of long-term financial goals, such as buying a home, funding education, or securing a comfortable retirement.
  • Facilitates strategic planning and disciplined investments for future financial milestones.

Reduced Reliance on Social Welfare

  • Personal savings decrease the reliance on social welfare programs, contributing to personal financial independence.
  • Positively impacts economic stability by reducing the burden on government resources.

Economic Contribution

  • Individuals who save actively contribute to overall economic stability by practicing responsible financial management.
  • Cultivates a culture of financial responsibility that extends beyond personal well-being to positively impact the broader economy.


Start implementing these habits into your everyday life now that you know how to save money from your salary. At first, it could appear difficult. Some days and months, you could decide to take a vacation from keeping a budget and tracking your spending. However, when your bank account reflects the benefits, you’ll be inspired to apply the finest practices to your financial path.